Friday, April 15, 2011

The "Bad" Mom Week

I had a "Bad Mom Week". I don't mean that I was a "bad"mom although, my kids may argue that, it was just a really rough week for me as a parent. Things didn't run very smoothly, tempers flared, pretty much the "Murphy's Law' of parenting weeks.  I was burnt out and feeling like I was being taken for granted.  Now nothing is that terrible, I mean, everyone is healthy and all of my kids are kind and polite (in public anyway) but, I had the kind of week that made me feel underappreciated and frankly, not very effective or confident in my "parenting skills."(if there really is such a thing) So, I had a bit of a meltdown which led to my making the decision to halt all of my mom related responsibilities. A "strike" so to speak. No grocery shopping, no laundry, no cleaning, no walking around flushing unflushed toilets (I know you know what I'm sayin') no making lunches, (except for my 4 yr old's who would pack her Rapunzel doll, broken crayons, and Pepperidge Farm goldfish if left to her own devices) No ANY of the day to day things we all do with our eyes shut that run our households.  Now I could list all of the things that led to the "strike" but it's a long list.. including, but not limited to, a child not listening for the umpteenth time in a crowded parking lot which led to child tripping and then accidentally being run over by a shopping cart pushed by moi (*note - she was fine ) Some things may even seem minimal to you..but, trust me, when said things are repeated time and time again they can induce hysteria...mild hysteria but still hysteria none the less. So  there you have the makings of a Mommy shutdown. I was called "mean", "selfish", and I'm sure I heard my teenager mutter something much worse under his breath but, I didn't back down. Yes, I am a Mommy but, I am also ME, someone with feelings, someone who wants to be acknowledged and appreciated, someone who wants to feel like what I do matters. I have good days and bad days just like my kids do and I want them to understand that. I want them to realize that all the "little things" that I do, that we all do, add up to BIG things... love, understanding, caring, compassion, and so much more. As guilty as I felt, I stuck to my "strike' because I felt there was an important lesson to be taught. Everyone needs to feel valued and respected..Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters, everyone! So, my "strike" just ended as you are reading this and you know what? The world didn't come to an end and everyone survived. I am actually feeling pretty good about my "Bad Mom" week because I think now that they just may "get it". After all, it's all those "little things" that really matter ...don't they? Now, I'd better get to the grocery store and figure out what I'm making for dinner!! ;)

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